Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hedley’s Trip to Niah Cave

It all happened thirty years ago when Hedley together with his wife and daughter decided to have a trip to Niah Cave. This cave is located in the Eastern part of Malaysia in the district of Miri, state of Sarawak. The family started their trip driving from Brunei until the Malaysian border. There they had to take a ferry to avoid driving through the jungle. The trip was long and tiring because they had to cross three different rivers to reach Miri. Although the family was supposed to arrive at the Niah Cave by 2 pm, they actually reached the place in the evening. It was too late to find a place to stay in. They headed off to the Government rest house where they met a group of Canadian scientists. The Canadians were very kind and offered Hedley and his family some food. In return, Hedley shared some of his drinks with them. The next morning, Hedley and his family headed off to see the Niah Cave. It was very dark and smelly with birds and bats nesting inside. While they were there, some locals entered the Cave. They were wearing hats with lights attached to them. It turned out that the locals came to collect bird nests to sell them later to the Chinese. Bird nests make a famous bird nests soup loved by the Chinese. The way to collect the bird nests was very amusing and something Hedley and his family saw for the first time. One man would climb up to scrape off the nests while the other man would be waiting to collect it from the ground. Watching the local men collect the bird nests was the highlight of the trip. The rest of the journey was not as pleasant. On the way back the trip was difficult because Hedley had to drive on rocky roads with a broken gear. Despite the negative, the overall trip was a success and something Hedley and his family remembered for years.


Monday, December 13, 2010


passport photos
local papers
strange taste
small size
outdoor activities
teach south
rural co-operative (urban)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Last winter when I traveled to Austria with my family, I had experience of the snow for the first time. My trip started from Dubai airport when suddenly I met one of the Netherlands national football team. He was sitting in the coffee shop with his friend; I spoke to him and he was a nice guy. Then we headed to the airplane and it took us six hours to reach our destination. We reached the main airport of Austria and took another local airplane to Salzburg. We reached the hotel around afternoon and took some rest. Then we went downtown and walked around. It was a very nice walk because, there were no cars, only people. It was amazing that most of the buildings were very old, since the 15th century. We went back to the hotel and slept until the next day. The next day we woke up, had our breakfast and went to see some of the attractions of the city. The first place was Mozart’s house, one of the most famous composers in the world. When we were leaving the place it was very loud and noisy outside and suddenly we saw people of the city arranging their houses for the celebration of New Year’s Eve. Some of the city people were preparing a big area for the night celebration. After a long day we went back to the hotel and had our dinner. Few hours later people started the fireworks; it was a nice long evening. The next morning I woke up and opened the window and the city was covered with snow; that was my first time.
Traveling is very good for changing the routine life style and you learn from other cultures.


Monday, November 22, 2010

how orange juice is made

How orange juice is made.

Orange juice is healthy because, of the vitamin C. We buy it from the supermarket. I’m going to describe the processes.

Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from trucks. Then, the oranges are graded and washed. After that, the oranges are sized. Next the juice is extracted. Then, the peel is sent to the animal feed. After that juice is evaporated at high temperature for a short time. Then the concentrated juice is refrigerated and stored. After that, the juice is sent to a canning machine. Then , the cans are shipped around the world. Next, the water is added to the concentrated juice to dilute it. Finally it is stored in the supermarket.

In conclusion you can see from my writing that the steps are easy but in reality there is a lot of work done in orange juice processes.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Reflection two

In these two essays my teacher Hedley told me how to write compare
and contrast. One of them was about the UAE in the past and the present, and it was an easy one. The other was about compare and contrast living in cities or villages. Both of them should contain four paragraphs, starting with the introduction, then similarities and differences and the last is the conclusion, which should include my opinion; each essay must be more than 200 words.

82 Words


1. Discovered = found

2. Basis = grounds

3. Categories = groups

4. Experts = specialists

5. Deal with = handle

6. Advisor = consultant

7. Fired = sacked

8. Evidence = proof

9. Extensive = broad

10. Suggested = proposed

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Compare and contrast living in a village with living in a city

In this essay I’m going to write about the similarities and differences between a big city and a small village.

It’s obvious that they have some similarities such as population. Both of them have a number of people who live in them. A second similarity is accommodation. Both places have housing for people to live in. The final similarity is roads. Both places have roads to drive on.

Although they have a few similarities, they also have differences. The first difference is facilities. Hospitals, malls, schools and big supermarkets, are available in the city, whereas in a village they are limited. The second difference is entertainment, in a city there are some activities going on during the whole year such as the Yas Island activities and Dubai shopping festival. Whereas in the village it’s difficult to have these things because of the limitation of the people. The final difference is pace of life. For example a city has a busy life style. Moreover a village is quiet and less noisy and that makes it easy for a peaceful life.

In conclusion a city and village are both for living. But I prefer living in a city which is better than a village because of the availability of facilities to meet my needs and the entertainment that is happening in the city.

230 Words

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The past & the present of the UAE

                                       The past and the present of the UAE

The past and the present of the UAE are two different things. They have similarities and differences. I am going to write about it.

The first similarity is the climate. The region of the UAE is hot and humid. This thing has not changed in the last 40 years. A second similarity is the traditions such as hunting by falcons. This tradition has been passed from one generation to another. The final thing is the royal family which is still the same.

Although there are similarities there also differences. The first difference is the transportation. In the past our grandfathers had donkeys or camels to furnish their needs but, today you have the comfortable cars that make your life easy. The second difference is social life. Before everybody helped and met with each other whereas now you are using technology to meet your close ones and you stay at home. Finally education: in the past they went to the mosque for reading and writing from the emam. In the present day you have the university,the internet and big libraries to meet your needs.

As you see, the past and the present are things completely different. I prefer the modern life because the development has to keep going and this has to be thanks to our older generation for their big help to the country.

231 Words

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reflection one

From these two writings I had in my blogger, I learned how to get the procedure format in order to understand it.

It goes as follows. First,the intro should be around 25-30 words. The body is 100 words.The conclusion is 25-30 words. There are useful words that have to be used such as. first of all, second, then, next, after that and finally. Also by using the imperative. This is easy writing if you follow the steps.

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to make butter

This is a procedure of how to make butter. If you follow these steps that will make it easy. I hope this will be interesting for you.

First of all, check the fresh milk for the quality and heat it up.Second, leave the milk to cool down.Then separate the cream from the milk. After that churn the cream and drain the buttermilk from the butter.That will help you in the coming step.Next, place the butter in a jar and wash the butter with cold water to remove remaining butter milk.after that add a small amount of salt for flavour or you can leave it as is it.Then,cut and wrap the butter in which shape that you like.Finally store the butter in a fridge for use.

By following this long procedure you will have the best butter that you have ever had in your life.

144 Words

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Booking holiday

Traveling outside the country is very good after a long working year. So, there is an easy way to book abroad.

First of all, you have to gather information about your destination, because that will make it easy and comfortable. Second , use the internet to have the best prices, rather than going to the travel agency , because if you have direct contact with a hotel, it is cheaper than using an agency. Then, make sure that your passport and other documents are ready. Next, take your tickets from the travel agency. Finally, you have to make sure that you are in the airport on time, so that you will not miss the trip.

Booking a holiday via the internet is much cheaper than going to a travel agency. Taking care when you book is always a good idea if you would like a trouble free journey.

148 Words