Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bar chart of date production

This bar graph shows the top ten date producing countries and their annual production in tonnes for 2001.

The leading producing country is Egypt, where their production is over one million tonnes followed by Iran, the UAE and Saudi Arabia. The UAE’s production compared to Algeria’s is twice as much in one year. Libya is the least producing country among the others. In the Gulf region the UAE and Saudi Arabia are the highest producers, whereas Oman has the least production. In the African continent Egypt had the biggest production, which was more than the other three countries combined. There were six countries which produced more than half a million tonnes in 2001. As we can see Oman supplied the world with half a million, whereas Algeria nearly 400,000 tonnes.

The sum up, Egypt is the leading country among the ten. Sudan and Libya are the least productive countries.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine’s Day

These two pie charts below show the gifts bought in the USA, for the Valentine's day by men and women.

The main three gifts in the chart are flowers, candy, and cards. These are common gifts but there are slight changes in percentage. Men and women have one same taste when it comes to jewelry because the difference between them is 1 %. More men buy spa/personal care 6 % compared to 1 % of women.More women buy cards,27% than men,18 %. However fewer men buy perfume 4% while 10% of women buy perfume. Many men buy other gifts 25 % so they can expand their options but 17% of women have limited their other gifts.

In conclusion Valentine's day is a day that people share gifts and spend money to show to their beloved one how they love each other and build strong bonding.

145 words

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

UK government 1996

The pie chart shows the budget of the UK government in 1996. It shows what was spent in different sectors. The total amount spent was £ 315 billion.

First of all, the highest amount goes to the social security sector which is £ 100 billion, followed by health services that is £ 53 billion and education was the third biggest sector which is £ 38 billion.

The next budget goes to the three sectors which roughly spent between £ 22 to £ 25 billion. They are defence, debt interest and other expenditure.

The final budget goes to three sectors whose sums are less than the education by £ 1 billion. They are transport, industry agriculture and housing.

In conclusion the main spending was focused on three sectors that can help develop the social security, health and education that help the people.
