Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine’s Day

These two pie charts below show the gifts bought in the USA, for the Valentine's day by men and women.

The main three gifts in the chart are flowers, candy, and cards. These are common gifts but there are slight changes in percentage. Men and women have one same taste when it comes to jewelry because the difference between them is 1 %. More men buy spa/personal care 6 % compared to 1 % of women.More women buy cards,27% than men,18 %. However fewer men buy perfume 4% while 10% of women buy perfume. Many men buy other gifts 25 % so they can expand their options but 17% of women have limited their other gifts.

In conclusion Valentine's day is a day that people share gifts and spend money to show to their beloved one how they love each other and build strong bonding.

145 words

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