Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bar chart of date production

This bar graph shows the top ten date producing countries and their annual production in tonnes for 2001.

The leading producing country is Egypt, where their production is over one million tonnes followed by Iran, the UAE and Saudi Arabia. The UAE’s production compared to Algeria’s is twice as much in one year. Libya is the least producing country among the others. In the Gulf region the UAE and Saudi Arabia are the highest producers, whereas Oman has the least production. In the African continent Egypt had the biggest production, which was more than the other three countries combined. There were six countries which produced more than half a million tonnes in 2001. As we can see Oman supplied the world with half a million, whereas Algeria nearly 400,000 tonnes.

The sum up, Egypt is the leading country among the ten. Sudan and Libya are the least productive countries.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine’s Day

These two pie charts below show the gifts bought in the USA, for the Valentine's day by men and women.

The main three gifts in the chart are flowers, candy, and cards. These are common gifts but there are slight changes in percentage. Men and women have one same taste when it comes to jewelry because the difference between them is 1 %. More men buy spa/personal care 6 % compared to 1 % of women.More women buy cards,27% than men,18 %. However fewer men buy perfume 4% while 10% of women buy perfume. Many men buy other gifts 25 % so they can expand their options but 17% of women have limited their other gifts.

In conclusion Valentine's day is a day that people share gifts and spend money to show to their beloved one how they love each other and build strong bonding.

145 words

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

UK government 1996

The pie chart shows the budget of the UK government in 1996. It shows what was spent in different sectors. The total amount spent was £ 315 billion.

First of all, the highest amount goes to the social security sector which is £ 100 billion, followed by health services that is £ 53 billion and education was the third biggest sector which is £ 38 billion.

The next budget goes to the three sectors which roughly spent between £ 22 to £ 25 billion. They are defence, debt interest and other expenditure.

The final budget goes to three sectors whose sums are less than the education by £ 1 billion. They are transport, industry agriculture and housing.

In conclusion the main spending was focused on three sectors that can help develop the social security, health and education that help the people.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

How to change a flat tyre

Getting a flat tyre is annoying, but we have to deal with it In the city or outside the city. It’s easy to change the even if there is no garage in the area.

First of all, pull over the car to a safe area away from the road. Next the wheelnuts must be loosened. This should be done before using the jack. Then the car is jacked up. After that the nuts are removed and the flat tyre is removed. Then the spare tyre is put on. After that the nuts are tightened and the car is lowered down. Make sure that the nuts are tightened for the last time before boxing up. Finally the tools are boxed up and you are ready to drive on.

As you see the above steps are easy to follow, but you have to make sure that you are away from the road to in a safe area. In addition don’t forget to loosen the nuts while the car is still not jacked up.

171 words

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hedley’s Trip to Niah Cave

It all happened thirty years ago when Hedley together with his wife and daughter decided to have a trip to Niah Cave. This cave is located in the Eastern part of Malaysia in the district of Miri, state of Sarawak. The family started their trip driving from Brunei until the Malaysian border. There they had to take a ferry to avoid driving through the jungle. The trip was long and tiring because they had to cross three different rivers to reach Miri. Although the family was supposed to arrive at the Niah Cave by 2 pm, they actually reached the place in the evening. It was too late to find a place to stay in. They headed off to the Government rest house where they met a group of Canadian scientists. The Canadians were very kind and offered Hedley and his family some food. In return, Hedley shared some of his drinks with them. The next morning, Hedley and his family headed off to see the Niah Cave. It was very dark and smelly with birds and bats nesting inside. While they were there, some locals entered the Cave. They were wearing hats with lights attached to them. It turned out that the locals came to collect bird nests to sell them later to the Chinese. Bird nests make a famous bird nests soup loved by the Chinese. The way to collect the bird nests was very amusing and something Hedley and his family saw for the first time. One man would climb up to scrape off the nests while the other man would be waiting to collect it from the ground. Watching the local men collect the bird nests was the highlight of the trip. The rest of the journey was not as pleasant. On the way back the trip was difficult because Hedley had to drive on rocky roads with a broken gear. Despite the negative, the overall trip was a success and something Hedley and his family remembered for years.


Monday, December 13, 2010


passport photos
local papers
strange taste
small size
outdoor activities
teach south
rural co-operative (urban)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Last winter when I traveled to Austria with my family, I had experience of the snow for the first time. My trip started from Dubai airport when suddenly I met one of the Netherlands national football team. He was sitting in the coffee shop with his friend; I spoke to him and he was a nice guy. Then we headed to the airplane and it took us six hours to reach our destination. We reached the main airport of Austria and took another local airplane to Salzburg. We reached the hotel around afternoon and took some rest. Then we went downtown and walked around. It was a very nice walk because, there were no cars, only people. It was amazing that most of the buildings were very old, since the 15th century. We went back to the hotel and slept until the next day. The next day we woke up, had our breakfast and went to see some of the attractions of the city. The first place was Mozart’s house, one of the most famous composers in the world. When we were leaving the place it was very loud and noisy outside and suddenly we saw people of the city arranging their houses for the celebration of New Year’s Eve. Some of the city people were preparing a big area for the night celebration. After a long day we went back to the hotel and had our dinner. Few hours later people started the fireworks; it was a nice long evening. The next morning I woke up and opened the window and the city was covered with snow; that was my first time.
Traveling is very good for changing the routine life style and you learn from other cultures.
